Classroom Resources

Much of the recent inflamed languages we hear in the news media about immigrant status and prejudices in U.S. brought attention to general public, attracting fear to some student populations.  As educators to those students, we consider few implications in teaching. Although the immigrant issues are not new and esoteric to U.S., we Americans tend to talk about it more often as problematic concerns. As a result certain immigrant populations may feel that they are marginalized. In this page we want to offer few progressive websites that offer teaching strategies to promote tolerance so that we can face each member in our learning community with compassion and humane attitude. We want to impart the message that other people matter, and we care. In order to move the Adult and Career Education into the positive direction, we need to teach more than content materials. Please check out the Teaching Tolerance website for resources.    
Right to Education: Students and families should be informed that every child in the U.S. has the right to public education regardless of race, religion, sex, economic standing, ethnic background or legal status.


          Southern Poverty Law Center’s TEACHING TOLERANCE Program
Immigrant and Refugee Children: A Guide for Educators and School Support Staff

                       DACA and DREAM Act Updates

Here are resources for those educators who wish to provide informed support for students and their families and friends who may be affected by DREAM (Development, Relief, and Education for Alien Minors) Act and DACA (Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals)

congress_gov_logo2DREAM Act current legislation updates



News and opinion about people, policy, and poverty
This Online Magazine features legislation updates on DACA and people’s reactions around the country.


  National Education Association
Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA)

5 questions educators are asking about ICE raids and
pporting immigrant youth


      adef41_0aeb8889554b43be978e3e51d30a97d9California School Boards Association

Students Impacted by Immigration Status

Legal Guidance Providing All Children Equal Access to
Education, Regardless of Immigration Status



Teaching Channel Team for Schools and Districts; Getting Better Together! Free Video Resources for Teachers

Exploring Emigration: Cultural Identity
Exploring Emigration: Maps & Migration
Foundation Literacy Skills with New Comers
Lit Circles’: Fostering Heterogeneous Collaborations
Deeper Learning for English Language Learners (ESL)

                          Know your Immigrant Rights!

ACLU“…The California Values Act recognizes the humanity of all people, protects our communities from harmful mass deportations, and ensures the safety of all…” The California Value Act is SB 54. Please share with all your friends, family, and social networks.


 cft_250x100 California Federation of Teachers


  American Federation of Teachersimmig_pageheader-900x474
Protecting our Students
 September 12 DACA Town Hall co-hosted by AFT,
National Immigration Law Center, United We Dream,
Teach For America, Education Trust, Stand For Children
and E4E.  Register here.


A pamphlet for educators from American Federation of Teachers

(AFT) A Guide for Educators and School Support Staff; Tools And Resources To Help Protect And Prepare Youth And FamilIes In Case Of An Immigration And Customs
Enforcement (ICE) raid.


AFT members and allies: United We Dream (UWD), NILC (National Immigration Law Center), and First Focus are here to help!


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