About Us

We are a group of Adult and Career Education teachers joined in solidarity to be enlightened on the topic of immigration in order that we can dissipate the darkness of fear of unknown by educating us and student population we serve and their families and neighbors in the event that we are targeted. We need to know our rights as a responsible citizen.

In order to educate the public, we have gathered and share the information about various non-profit and dependable organizations that advocate civil rights and social justice. These organizations offer affordable and free immigration support services for undocumented, out of status, or seeking permanent status individuals.

To name a few, CHIRLA (Coalition for Humane Immigration Rights of Los Angeles), Asian Americans Advancing Justice Los Angeles, CARECEN (Central American Resource Center), MALDEF (Mexican American Legal Defense and Educational Fund), Muslim Advocates, ACSA (Association of California School Administrators), Office of L.A. City Mayor Garcetti, and many more.